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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

...April... [bridals]

Well.. April & Andrew were finally hitched on the 18th so I can post her bridals for all the world to see! :) We did them at the capital building inside & I must say it was quite busy that day! I was getting frustrated at not being able to shoot at certain angles because of people in my background, etc. Poor April was sick too. We did her session in record time (about an hour!) and then she went home and slept for hours. Despite our difficulties, we got some great shots! Here are just a few of my favs.



karlianne said...

very pretty rach!

Erin said...

Beautiful! I <3 the captiol.

Megs said...

Great pictures, as usual, Rach. I really enjoyed the indoor marble for these - there was a lot of white and that really worked with her dress & hair & it made her eyes really pop.

Meghann said...

These a stunning photos, she looks great for being ill!

Derek said...

I love the composition of the first shot, nice job..